Answer is No Collection & Collections are not same.
Here we discussed how Collection & Collections are Difference.
- Collection is Interface.
- If we want to represent a group of individual object as a single entity than, we should go for Collection.
- Collections is a class.
- Collections is an Utility class present in Java.util package to define several methods for Collection Objects.
- For eg:- Sorting, Searching etc.
What is Collection Framework ?
- It contains several classes & interfaces which can be used to represent a group of individual object as a single entity.
- 9 Key Interface of Collection Framework.
- Collection
- List
- Set
- Sorted Set
- Navigable Set
- Queue
- Map
- Sorted Map
- Navigable Map
- If we want to represent a group of individual object as a single entity than we should go for Collection.
- Collection Interface defines the most common methods which are applicable for any collection.
- In general Collection Interface considered as Root Interface Collection Framework.
- There is no Concrete class which implements collection directly.
2. List (Interface)
- It is the Child Interface of Collection.
- If you want to represent a group of individual Objects as a Single entity where, Duplication are allowed & Insertion order must be preserved than we should go for List(Interface).
- Duplication are allowed.
- Insertion Order must be Preserved.
3. Set (Interface)
- It is the Child Interface of Collection.
- If you want to represent a group of individual Objects as a Single entity where, Duplication are not allowed & Insertion Order not required than we should go for Set(Interface).
- Duplication are Not allowed.
- Insertion order Not required.
4. Sorted Set(Interface)
- It is the child Interface of Set(Interface).
- If you want to represent a group of individual object as a Single entity where, Duplication are Not allowed Object should be Inserted according to some Sorting order than we should go for Sorted Set.
- Duplication are Not allowed.
- Object should be Inserted (Insertion & Sorting Order) are allowed.
5. Navigable Set(Interface)
- It is the Child Interface of Sorted Set(Interface).
- It Contains several methods for Navigable purpose.
6. Queue(Interface)
- It is child Interface of Collection.
- If we want to represent a group of individual objects Prior to Processing than, we should go for Queue.
- Usually Queue follows FIFO(First In First Out) but based on Requirement we can implement our own Priority order also.
- For eg:-
- Before Sending a Mail, all mail Id's we have to share in some data structure.
- In which order we added Mail Id's in the some order only mail should be delivered.
- All the above Interface[Collection, List, Queue, Set, Sorted Set, Navigable Set] meant for representing a group of individual Objects.
- If we want to represent a group of object as Key-Value-Pair than, we should go for Map.
7. Map(Interface)
- Map is Not Child interface of Collection.
- Represent as a Key-value-Pair.
- Both Key & Value are Object Only.
- Duplicate keys are Not allowed but values can be Duplicated.
- for eg:-
8. Sorted Map(Interface)
- It is Child interface of Map.
- If we want to represent a group of Key-Value-Pairs according to some Sorting order of keys than, we should go for sorted Map.
- In sorted Map the Sorting should be based on Key but not based on value.
9. Navigable Map(Interface)
- It is the Child Interface of Sorted Map.
- It defines several methods for Navigation purpose.
Note:- Following Legacy Character are present in Collection Framework.
- Enumeration(Interface)
- Dictionary(AC)
- Vector(Class
- HashTable(Class)
- Properties(Class)
- Stack(Interface)
What is the need of Cursor in Collection?
- A group of individual object, we want get these object one by one from the collection than we will go for Cursor concept.
Three type of Cursor are present in Collection.
- Enumeration(Interface)
- Iterator(Interface)
- ListIterator(Interface)
In Collection Two Utility Classes
- Araays
- Collections
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