List Interface
- We can preserve Insertion order via Indexed.
- We can differentiate Duplicate order via Indexed.
- Index will play very important role in List.
- List Interface defines the following Specific Methods.
8 Methods are present in List
- void add(int index, Object o).
- boolean addAll(int index, Collection c).
- object get(int index).
- object remove(int index)
- object set(int index, Object new)[To replace the element present at specified index with provided Object & returns Old objects]
- int indexOf (Object O)[Returns index of first occurrence of 'o']
- int lastIndexOf(Object o)
- ListIterator listIterator()
- ArrayList
- The underlying data structure is Resizable Array & Growable Array.
- Duplicates are allowed.
- Insertion Order Preserved.
- Heterogeneous Objects are allowed[It means Different type of Objects].
- Null Insertion is Possible.
In ArrayList 3 types of Constructor are available
a).ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
- It means Create empty ArrayList object with default intial Capacity.
- for eg:- The capacity is 10.
- One's ArrayList reaches Max Capacity than a new ArrayList object will be created
new Capacity = (current Capacity*3/2)+1
b. ArrayList l = new ArrayList(int intialCapacity);
- Creates an empty ArrayList Objects with Specified Intial Capacity.
c.ArrayList l = new ArrayList(Collection c);
- Creates an equivalent ArrayList object for the given Collection.
- Usually we use Collection to hold underlying objects from One Location to another Location[Container]. To provide Support for this requirement every collection class by default implements Serializable and the Cloneable Interface.
- ArrayList & Vector class implements Random Access Interface so, that any Random element with the access with same speed.
- Random Access Interface present in Java.util Package. Doesn't contain any Methods. It is Marker Interface Required ability will be provided by JVM.
When ArrayList is Worst Choice?
- If our Frequent Operation is Insertion & Deletion in a middle.
When ArrayList is Best Choice and Why?
- If Our Frequent Operation is Retrieval Operation.
- Because ArrayList implements Random Access Interface.
How to get Synchronized Version of ArrayList Object?
- By default ArrayList is Non-Synchronized but we can get Synchronized version of ArrayList object.
- By using SynchronizedList Method of Collection Class.
- For eg:
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
List l1 = collections.synchronizedList(l);
- The Underline data structure(Double/Doubly LinkedList).
- Insertion Order is Preserved.
- Duplicates are allowed.
- Heterogeneous Objects allowed.
- Null Insertion is Possible.
- LinkedList implements Searlizable & Cloneable Interfaces.
- Not Implements Random Access Interface.
a. LinkedList l = new LinkedList();
- Creates an Empty LinkedList Object.
b. LinkedList l = new LinkedList(collection c);
- Creates an Equivalent LinkedList object for the given Collection.
- void addFirst(object o);
- void addLast(object o);
- Object getFirst();
- Object getLat();
- Object removeFirst();
- Object removeLast();
What is Difference B/w LinkedList & ArrayList?
- The Underlying data Structure is Resizable Array & Growable Array.
- Insertion Order Preserved.
- Duplication are allowed.
- Heterogeneous Objects are allowed.
- Null Insertion is possible.
- It Implements Serializable, cloneable & Random Access Interface.
- Every Method present in the Vector is Synchronized and Vector Object is Thread-Safe.
a. Vector v = new Vector();
- Creates an empty vector Object with default initial Capacity 10.
- Once, Vector reaches it's Max Capacity than, New Vector Object will be created with
- New capacity=current capacity*2
b. Vector v = new Vector(int initial capacity);
- Creates an empty Vector Object with Specified initial Capacity.
c. Vector v = new Vector(int initialcapacity , int incrementalcapacity).
- for eg: Vector v = new v (1000, 5);
d. Vector v =new Vector(collection c);
- Creates an equivalent vector object for the given collection these constructor meant for interconversion B/w Collection Objects.
What is Difference B/w ArrayList & Vector?
- int Size();
- int Capacity();
- Enumeration element();
- addElement(Object o);
- removeElement(object o);
- object get(int index);
- It is Child Class of Vector.
- It is Specially Designed Class Last In First Out.(LIFO).
Stack s = new Stack();
- Object push(object o);
- Object pop();
- Object peek();
- Boolean empty();
- int Search(object o);
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